Federal Court System
Home | American Justice Synopsis--jk | AMERICAN JUSTICE: Revealed through published federal cases--jk | AMERICAN JUSTICE: poem--jk | Conservative Rulings as of 7/07 | The Supreme Court's View of Justice | GITMO JUSTICE | Supreme Court's Pot Ruling | Negroes execution stats--disparity | Satire on Prison Life--jk | Supreme Court Shields Drug Companies | Campbell's Back in the Can | Campbell's Recent Developments

great book


  The courts are supposed to uphold standards of jurisprudence which protect the individual from the power of the state—irrespective of the character of the individual, his associates, and the crime to which he is accused of.  Principles of justice once came first; today’s court has reversed it.





Skeptics recognize that those who own the media have portrayed our legal system as being the best in the world and that is done as part of their alliance with government.  This false belief is a product of the conservative noise machine.  If you have any doubts read

American Justice Synopsis

, which lets the published rulings--primarily the Supreme Court--do the convincing



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Self-portrait as Jesus Christ

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American Justice has been politicalized.  The appointment of judges needs to be removed from the politicans.  Great harm has arrisen by the conservative activits who control the courts.  They have tore up our Bill of RIghts, turned our media into a tool of corporate propaganda (with its consquence that the electorate is grossly misinformed), and have made numerous other rulings favoring the business community. 
A solution would be to confer this process onto a panel of university, law professors selected by their peers.

Skeptically cartoon directory


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#25-11 Bush bashing cartoons

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#204-5 More Bush-Republican bashing

another CA skeptics site of cartoons—for mature audience

Jurisprudence is a set of rules that promote the equitable & consistent handling of civil and criminal cases.