Home |
The Deal for Permanent US Presence |
Iraqi War Costs |
Oil, Iraq War, & Neoliberalism |
Zionism: history and roots of Muslem hatred |
10-Reasons to leave Iraq |
DEATH COUNT 650,000--Oct 06 |
CIA Confirms War spawns Islamic Radical |
Iraq for Sale--Edward Kennedy |
Iraqi Unions fight new oil law |
Iraq government death squads |
Opium, Afghanistan, Bin Laden, & U.S. Policy |
Democracy in Iraq |
Cause of Iraq War--gen. William Clark |
Marjority of the troops favor rapid exit |
Milirary Base Building Reveals U.S. Plans to Stay |
IRAQ WAR CAUSED BY OIL--proof, Palast |
Iraq war costs $440 Billion |
No Chance of Victory U.S. General Admits |
Iraq war and imperialism |
reconstruction? who stold the funds? |
Iraq history from WWI to present |
OIL-WAR PLANS BEFORE 911--document |
War, Another From of Corporate Welfare |
Iraq, Sunni, Shiite Struggle |
General Odom on Iraq War and Isreal |
Iraq War Stimulates Our Economy |
U.S. Policy of Delay brought on the insurgency--Palast |
Military Budget should be cut |
Barros |

More articles on the war at California skeptic site on news analysis.
Charleston Daily Mail Sunday, February 24, 2008
US military deaths in Iraq at 3,969 Saturday, according to count by The Associated Press
As of Saturday, Feb. 23, 2008, at least 3,969 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count. The figure includes eight military
civilians. At least 3,228 died as a result of hostile action, according to the military's numbers.
Iraqi war costs |


is a connection between the Iraqi War and IMF policy. IMF policy is to sell of the assets of each nation—which
was consistent with the Whitehouse plan.
The first head of command thought peace was more important, through setting up as quickly
as possible a democratic government with the 3 factions (Sunnis, Shias, & Kurds) which entailed that the resources would
not be sold off since an independent government wouldn’t go for this plan. Result: Rumsfeld had General Garner replaced with hours after he arrived in Baghdad—April 21, 2003. He was replaced with Bremer from the
Kissinger Institute, who embraced selling off of the resources as the top priority and thus cancelled the elections. The rest is history.
June 06 |

Figure includes only direct funding through 05 |
Wake up. We
are slowly being bled at the pump by the war caused oil shortage. We are have
social service cut by a neoliberal government that pushing a free trade agreement (MEFTA) upon the Middle East at the barrel of a gun. We are being bled at the work place
by a flooded job market, and thus lower wages. And our nation has a greater percentage of foreign debt than Argentina had when its economy collapsed--1999 to 2002. This
is corporate government run by the globalizers. We need election funding reform
and media reform. Corporations have destroyed our democracy by their control
of our political system and the production of attitudes through their media. .
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appreciate feedback. Contact US
at thinker@skeptically.org.
Moreover, JK has something to say, and he likes
saying it. He has written several works of fiction in need of a publisher. Can you help?

Patrick Woodroffe |
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