Home | Jeremy Bentham: His Life and Impact--jk | UTILITARIAN ETHICS: an introductory explanation | JAMES MILL ON RELIGION | BENTHAM ON BUGGERY, and other crimes against oneself | The Bentham Brothers, their adventure in Russia | Panopticon, Bentham's design of prisons | Bentham's final resting place | Bentham's Utilitarianism in Victorian England | Bentham, Life and Involvement with University College London | JOHN STUART MILL ON JEREMY BENTHAM | Bentham, a Deeper Look | John Stuart Mill: a brief account | Jeremy Bentham's Will | The Rationale of Reward--Bentham | BENTHAM: THE RATIONAL OF PUNISHMENT IMMORAL | BENTHAM: ON THE RATIONAL OF REWARD | JEREMY BENTHAM: Shorter Britannica Article | UTILITARIANISM - - John Stuart Mill | Taylor Harriet Mill | John Stuart Mill: a fuller account | Betham and His Works | Betham: A Short Accounting | Utilitarianism as adopted by theologians: a review | Utilitarianism, an historical survey | James Mill | Samuel Bentham | THE SPRINGS OF ACTION--Jeremy Bentham | JEREMY BENTHAM ON PLEASURE | Prof. Singer, the utilitarian, 2 articles | UTILITARIAN LINKS
UTILITARIANISM: the ethical theory for all times.







UTILITARIANISM RESOURCES http://www.utilitarianism.com/index.htm


Contents at this site consists of the links below and also a collection of short definitions and accounts related to the topic of utilitarianism as found in The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy, ed. Thomas Mautner, ISBN 0-14-051250-0

ˇ         Utilitarian Glossary

ˇ         Utilitarian.org (Nigel Phillips)

ˇ         Ethics Updates

ˇ         John Stuart Mill

ˇ         J.S.Mill (Internet Encyclopedia)

ˇ         Utilitarianism (Catholic Encyclopedia)

ˇ         Utilitarianism (Encyclopaedia Britannica)

ˇ         Ethicspapers.com

ˇ         Jeremy Bentham Links

ˇ         Jeremy Bentham

ˇ         Henry Sidgwick Links

ˇ         John Stuart Mill Links

ˇ         Peter Singer Links

ˇ         Pablo Stafforini

ˇ         Utilitarianism (J.S.Mill)

ˇ         The Principle of Utility (J.S.Mill)

ˇ         On Liberty ( J.S. Mill)

ˇ         Questions on JS Mill

ˇ         Mill (Harry Gensler)

ˇ         Utilitarianism Primer (R. N. Johnson)

ˇ         utilitarism.net (Swedish)

ˇ         Essays on John Stuart Mill

ˇ         JS Mill (Dale Miller)

ˇ         JS Mill (Eric Hochberger)

ˇ         Utilitas Epicurus

ˇ         Aristippus

ˇ         Cyrenaic Philosophy

ˇ         The Cyrenaics and the Origins of Hedonism

ˇ         Consequentialism (Harry Gensler)

ˇ         Rule Utilitarianism

ˇ         International Society for Utilitarian Studies

ˇ         Nozick's Experience Machine (Eduardo Rivera-López)

ˇ         Principles of Morals and Legislation (Jeremy Bentham)

ˇ         Jeremy Bentham

ˇ         The Bentham Project

ˇ         Google Utilitarianism Directory

ˇ         A Critique of Elie Halévy (Francisco Vergara)

ˇ         The Utilitarian Foundations Of Collectivism (Axel Davies on Bentham)

ˇ         God and the English Utilitarians (Ron Roizen)

ˇ         Classical Utilitarianism

ˇ         Interactive Tutorial

ˇ         Utilitarianism FAQ (ed. Nigel Phillips)

ˇ         Edmund Gurney (Derek Greatrex)

ˇ         Panetics

ˇ         World Database of Happiness

ˇ         Money, happiness and the hedonic treadmill

ˇ         Journal of Happiness Studies

ˇ         Happiness Quotations

ˇ         Utilitarians (History of Economic Thought)

ˇ         Utilitarianism (Gareth McCaughan)

ˇ         Utilitarianismus (in German)

ˇ         The Singer Solution

ˇ         La Solución de Singer (tran. by Pablo Stafforini)

ˇ         Methods of Ethics (Henry Sidgwick)

ˇ         Rule Utilitarianism (Internet Encyclopedia)

ˇ         Negative Utilitarianism - A Manifesto (Dan Geinster)

ˇ         Velpeau's Chimera: Utopian Surgery?

ˇ         The Pleasure Seekers

ˇ         MDMA: Utopian Pharmacology

ˇ         Wirehead Hedonism

ˇ         Paradise-Engineering

ˇ         The Good Drug Guide

ˇ         The Hedonistic Imperative

ˇ         The Post-Darwinian Transition

ˇ         Critique of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World



Classical Utilitariansm - http://www.la.utexas.edu/cuws/
Contains selections from the writings of the classical utilitarians -principally Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, and Henry Sidgwick- with commentary thereupon.


Utilitarianism Resources - http://www.utilitarianism.com
Classic utilitiarian texts; defending utilitarianism from its critics; its relation with collectivism and hedonism - and the ultimate aim of utilitarianism.


Utilitarianism Glossary - http://www.utilitarianism.com/glossary.htm
Entries on utilitarian philosophers and terms by the Penguin Encyclopedia of Philosophy.




'Utilitarianism' - http://www.utilitarianism.com/mill1.htm
Classic presentation of utilitarianism, by one of its most prominent defenders, John Stuart Mill.



'The Singer Solution to World Poverty' - http://www.petersingerlinks.com/solution.htm
Article arguing, from a utilitarian perspective, that citizens of affluent nations ought to give substantial amounts of their income to foreign aid agencies, by Prof. Peter Singer, linked to his extensive website.


Utilitarian Philosophers - http://www.utilitarian.net
Lists links to writings by and about the major utilitarian figures --David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, James Mill, John Stuart Mill, Henry Sidgwick, R. M. Hare and Peter Singer.


'Primer on the Elements and Forms of Utilitarianism' - http://web.missouri.edu/~philrnj/utilnote.html
Discussion about the varieties of utilitarianism, by R. N. Johnson. Utilitarianism is considered both as a theory of what is right and a theory of what is good.


utilitarism.net - http://www.utilitarism.net
Swedish site for information on and discussion about utilitarianism.


'Utilitarianism' - http://www.utilitarianism.com/utilitarianism.html
Encyclopedia Britannica article, by Henry R. West.



'Could Kant have been a Utilitarian?' - http://deontology.com/
Provocative extract from the book Sorting Out Ethics by the late R. M. Hare. "Kant, I shall argue, could have been a utilitarian, though he was not. His formal theory can certainly be interpreted in a way that allows him - perhaps even requires him - to be one kind of utilitarian."


'Utilitarianism and the Future' - http://www.ne-plus-ultra.org/smart.htm
Excerpted from J. J. C. Smart's 'An Outline of a System of Utilitarian Ethics' (Cambridge, 1973).


'How to argue with an anti-utilitarian' - http://www.petersingerlinks.com/hare/anti-utilitarian.htm
Suggested argumentative strategies for utilitarians, by R. M. Hare.


Utilitarian FAQ - http://www.ianmontgomerie.com/manifesto/utilitarianfaq.html
Detailed discussion of contemporary utilitarian theory, including answers to a long list of frequent criticisms. By Ian Montgomerie.


'Utilitarianism' - http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/utilitarianism
Wikipedia entry.





The Web's Best Sites Search Results: "bentham"



Results 1-5 of 7.

The Bentham Project
University College London
Information about the project to produce a scholarly edition of Bentham's works and correspondence. Includes an annotated listing of his texts, an online edition of the Bentham Newsletter, and materials about the International Society for Utilitarian Studies and its journal, Utilitas.

Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)
The University of Tennessee at Martin
"Essay by William Sweet on this British philosopher in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Discusses his life, views on human nature, and his moral and political philosophy. Also includes a bibliography of his works. "

Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation
McMaster University
E-text of this work by the English philosopher and economist, Jeremy Bentham.

A Fragment on Government
McMaster University
E-text of this work by the English philosopher and economist, Jeremy Bentham.

Defence of Usury
McMaster University
E-text of this work by the English philosopher and economist, Jeremy Bentham


University of San Diego
Bibliographic survey of the Utilitarian texts, including writings by Bentham, Mill, and Wollstonecraft. Also offers a discussion forum.

Philosophy Overview
Information on the social, moral, and political philosophies. Discusses Empiricism, Positivism, Utilitarianism, and philosophers like Locke, Bentham, Marx, and Ruskin


LEARN ABOUT HEALTH AND DISEASE, another California Skeptics' site

Some of the skeptically.org members sites--several more will be added in the by 11/25/4


2 sites by ALAN on Medieval, on spitural, and connected topics.

Alan's second site