Home | Pope's position on GAYS, and Celebacy | Pope's Magisterium on Evolution | Logical Defense of Intelligent Design--jk | MARTIN LUTHER ON THE JEWS | New Pope says Satan is unleashing "evil energy" | Capitalism and Christianity--jk | Catholic Business Blessing, "the more you give, the more you receive" | Creationism, humorous essay about | Puritan Angry God & Evils Sermon--Jonathan Edwards | Founded NOT as a Christian Nation | WHY CHRISTIANITY SUCCEEDED--JK | Seventh Day Advantist Believe in Young Earth | When God Passes Laws | Burial box of James, Brother of Jesus | Jesus Burial Box Hoax | CHRISTIAN WEBSITES

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For table of all religious works, divided into categories:  A great aid



9.  Pope John Paul’s unenlightened stands, keeping

with tradition, and the harm it does. 




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California Skeptics has an excellent collection of political cartoons and huge collection of links to sites with political cartoons and animation

We appreciate feedback.  Contact US



Moreover, JK has something to say, and he likes saying it.  He has written several works of fiction in need of a publisher.  Can you help? 


Aldridge, Alan


Enter main content here

George Carlin on religion, his best, over 5 million views 6/09 at

Carlin from HBO on swearing to god and the bill of rights

On the 10 commandments, only need 2

On war and U.S. hegemony, war is a lot of prick waving, mislabeled losing my religion.

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SEARCH:Tripod The Web

.  For those wishing to be entertained on the topic of Christian faith, there are Mark Twain's best satire, and there are the illustrated brotherhood of religions and where is god's son?  Concise is the list of the basic reasons to be without religion.  On the issue of post-death existence are works by John Stuart Mills and Lucretius the Roman Epicurean.  In a passage that merits reading for its conciseness and clarity, John Stuart Mills explains his father’s opposition to religion for its being the greatest of evils and the results of these evils are describe in James Haught’s Holly Horror.

 Original sin is the difference between my pleasures and yours--B.F. Skinner