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one of 3 sites maintained by California Skeptics All with cool
art and informative articles A = Art with some of the articles. All
home pages have art. #7 TABLE OF CONTENTS
skeptically, a dozen major topic, over 1,000 articles, averages over 9,000 pages downloaded per weekday. #201 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR CURRENT NEWS ISSUES, 900 current political news, international news, corporate news & archives—over 600
pages downloaded per day A #31 TABLE OF CONTENTS healthfully, 1,000 health & medical articles, many topics, averages over 1,000
pages downloaded per day. A #209 THE ARTISTS, bios and samples of their art A # 220 POD CASTS & U-TUBE, for those who like the visuals
A #1 Enlightenment, our favorites, the flagship articles A Skeptical sites: #1 Enlightenment, collection of the best A #6 Thinkers on Religion A #9 Spiritualism #17 Quackery #19 Skepticism #29 For skeptics #37 Biographical #102 Quacks, theories & practice Religious sites: #1 Enlightenment A #6 Thinkers on Religion A #26 Ancient Sacred Works of the Hebrews #9 Spiritualism #10 Literary Works on Religion #15 Christian Apocrypha and Essays #16 New Testament #18 Against Religious foolishness A #20 Ancient Sacred Works of the Christians #22 Christianity #107 Holy Horrors Political-economic sites: #111 World Trade Organization A #131 The Depression #106 Economics A #119 Economic Developments A #121 Economics the Dismal Science #131 Economic graphs #116 OIL A #128 Terrorism Hegemony #129 Obama Watch #21 Muckraking Political Articles #23 Critical of capitalism A #126 Corporate system #117 Federal court system #12 Penal system #14 Labor A #28 Nuclear war threat A #118 Iraq war A #127 Military war #120 Election reform A #130 Big Pharma at work #103 Parliament of Whores A #104 Government, Presidency, Congress, Courts #25 Bush Bashing #112 Bush watch A Utopia, ethics, happiness, misc. sites: #2
Utopia A #3 Utilitarianism A #101 Links & quotes #108 Psychoanalysis, their weird theories #27 Recreational drugs A #110 Recreational drug research A #114 B.F. Skinner, works and life #115 Ethics humanistic #122 Pod casts & u-tube A
JK’s Poetry, Satire & Short Stories sites: #42 Rhymed poems
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CARTOONS Links to best on web of bush cartoons, jokes and animation Danish cartoons that offend Moslems More Moslems cartoons plus photos Page of links including political cartoons Another California Skeptic’s collection—huge, biting, for adults Her collection of Bush Cartoons SATIRE HUMOR One act play on Bush’s tax cut—Al Franken Brotherhood of religions—the Nation Letters from Earth, Mark Twain at his best 5 humorous blasts at religion—Mark Twain Eros & Zeus—Lucian Zeus & the modern thinking Greeks—Lucian The damned human race—Mark Twain Zeus the pedophile—Lucian Doc Laura, Old Testament morality OFF SITE CARTOONS DAN COLLINS OF HUSTLER MAGAZINE EXCELLENT COLLECTION OF UNDERGROUND COMICS POLITICAL & SOCIAL GEMS—Mark Froce EXCELLENT MUSICAL CARTOONS—JibJab LUNACY TOONS—outrageous, quality sounds