This site is one of 3 sites maintained by California Skeptics
All with cool art and informative articles
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Art with some of the articles.
All home pages have art.
CONTENTS skeptically, a dozen major topic, over 1,000 articles, averages over 7,000 pages downloaded per weekday.
#201 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR CURRENT NEWS ISSUES, 900 current political news, international news, corporate news & archives—over 800 pages downloaded per
day A
#31 TABLE OF CONTENTS healthfully, 1,000 health & medical articles, many topics, averages over 1,200 pages downloaded per day. A
#209 THE ARTISTS, bios and samples of their art A
# 220 VIDCASTS & U-TUBE, for those who like the visuals A
# 125 The Crash On the economic collapse of 2008 # 151 The Depression
#1 Enlightenment, our favorites, the flagship
articles A
Skeptical sites:
#1 Enlightenment, collection of the best A
#4 Logical threads
#6 Thinkers on Religion A
#9 Spiritualism
#17 Quackery
#19 Skepticism
#29 For skeptics
#37 Biographical
#102 Quacks, theories & practice
Religious sites:
#1 Enlightenment A
#5 Cartoons Mostly Religious
#6 Thinkers on Religion A
#8 Old Testament Analysis
#26 Ancient Sacred Works of the Hebrews
#9 Spiritualism
#10 Literary Works on Religion
#15 Christian Apocrypha and Essays
#16 New Testament
#18 Against Religious foolishness A
#20 Ancient Sacred Works of the Christians
#22 Christianity
#24 Bible Studies More
#107 Holy Horrors
#109 Philosophy & religion