From the
goLITE site at http://www.apollohealth.com/golite.html
We've been building the world's
best light boxes for more than two decades. For many years, the world's leading light therapy researchers and doctors have
known that full-spectrum, 10,000 lux light boxes can be very effective at treating seasonal affective disorder and other circadian
rhythm related mood disorders. They also know that no one does 10,000 lux better than Apollo Health, which is why we're the
world's most-recommended, best-selling brand.
Now we're building the world's best blue spectrum light therapy device. Recently, researchers have discovered
that a very specific range of blue light is the most effective color (wavelength) in treating these disorders. Apollo has
spent the last several years working with leading experts to develop our innovative line of BLUEWAVE™ products. The
patent-pending goLITE delivers only the most effective wavelengths, which means a more convenient treatment, and fewer side
effects than traditional 10,000 lux full-spectrum light therapy devices.
BLUEWAVE™ Technology Patent-pending BLUEWAVE™ is the result of ten years of research with medical universities
and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Other companies may tout the benefits of this new research. Only Apollo has participated
in this research and we are the only company to produce lights that are twice as effective at shifting circadian rhythms and
suppressing melatonin when compared to 10,000 lux and white LEDs.*
Technology of the Future BLUEWAVE™ is so significant because it provides a higher effective response than
most full spectrum light at 1/10th the intensity 10,000-lux. This means light therapy is not only convenient but easier on
the eyes with fewer side effects. Because BLUEWAVE™ is so effective, all of our BRITEWAVE™ products have also
been upgraded with BLUEWAVE™ technology. Indeed, BLUEWAVE™ is the technology of the future.
BLUEWAVE™ Technology is Twice as Effective Although other light sources, including 10,000 lux, contain
more blue than the goLITEŽ, the majority of their spectral energy is counterproductive.
these unnecessary wavelengths increases effectiveness and significantly reduces overall intensity.
blue light (470 nm) is twice as effective at shifting circadian rhythms and suppressing melatonin compared to 10,000 lux and
white LEDs.*
How is BLUEWAVE™ Measured? 10,000 lux vs. Photons/cm2 Because BLUEWAVE™
represents only a narrow slice of the visible light spectrum, it cannot be measured accurately with a lux meter. Lux
meters measure the total spectral energy from all visible wavelengths, not specific bandwidths. This is why BLUEWAVE™
intensity is measured in photons/cm instead of in lux.
Warning! Many light therapy companies make false claims regarding their products' performance and safety. Apollo has participated
in more research than all other light therapy companies combined. In fact, most of our competitors quote research
conducted with Apollo lights. You should verify any claims made by any company selling light therapy devices. Many of our
competitors claim to be "#1", or to have safe and effective products. Ask them to prove it!
Apollo Research
Health, Inc. supports and funds more research on the health benefits of light than all other manufacturers of light therapy
products combined. We have consistently led the way in light therapy research, administering millions of dollars worth of
grants to pinpoint the positive and therapeutic effects of light for the treatment of mood disorders, insomnia, skin conditions,
and blood ailments. Because of Apollo's history, credibility, and dedication to the improvement of people's lives, we have
been the recipient of numerous government research grants. In our quest to bring about the best possible natural solutions,
Apollo Light has worked with most major research centers as well as hundreds of physicians and researchers to increase the
effectiveness and awareness of light therapy. Apollo Health has provided light therapy products to the National Institute
of Health, NASA, Yale, the Mayo Clinic, and dozens of research institutions around the world. Following is just a small amount
of the research that has been done on light therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder, circadian rhythm disorder and other mood
and sleep related issues.
The light at the end
of the tunnel
There are numerous whistles to warn a critical person that this is another case of market-place forces and religious
belief supporting alternative medicine.
There is a body of evidence which suggest that light effects mood.
This is tied to the level of serotonin and of melatonin, and the circadian rhythm, which melatonin levels affect.
Around two decades ago articles in the media based on the work of psychologists suggest that a natural
night-day rhythm in man, that natural light was better than artificial light, and that there was a decreased incidence of
depression during the winter—supported by the observation that the month of December has the highest incidence of suicide. It had been known for decades prior that lower animals have various mechanism by which
they maintain a daily cycle. It was reasoned that man too had such a mechanism. Evidence for this mechanism was found including a connection (retinohypothalamic tract)
from the retina to the the suprachiasmatic nucleus cells in the hypothalamus. These cells are connected to the pineal gland,
and it appears this connection affects the production of melatonin by the pineal gland, which peaks during the night. Thus
it was theorized that disruption of this rhythm through abrupt or gradual changes could have physical and psychological effects.
Among those effects were posited jet lag, fatigue, disorientation, and insomnia, and depression with
its higher rate of suicide. But the research has failed to control for contravening
variables. Typically it is studies of sleep deprevation and a condition where
the period of sleep differs from the “normal cycle”. However placing
subjects in a room for a week or more is bounjd to have effects on mood, just as incarceration does. And self-observational conclusions about jet lag similarly fail to account for contravening variables. Jet lag can be explained by the excitement and uncertainty of being in a unfamiliar
location, increased consumption of caffeine, etc. There is an obvious explanation
of the seasonal effects of shorter days on mood. Shorter days are associated
with cold weather, which is both uncomfortable and restrict activity choices. Reduction
in the number of pleasurable activity affects mood. Thus both what is done and how it feels doing things out doors are affected. These are contravening variables that most—if not all—pro-circadian rhythm
researchers fail to control for. Can light be shown by itself to affect mood?
Circadian rhythm is related to health. Sound sleep accelerates
body repair and mental acuity improves. The brain has a system located in the
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), a distinct group of cells located in the hypothalamus. Nature
does things for a survival purpose. Sound, longer sleep occurs in a quiet dark
room. Longer, colder nights thus would promote sounder sleep. Thus one would suppose winter is good for mental and physical health.
A system which promotes sound sleep would have survival advantages—if the sleep occurs in a safe place.
Disturbing sound sleep does not promote health—so it seems.
A blue light shone in the user’s face while he sleeps in what would have been a dark room, certainly doesn’t
promote sleep: one reason to not spend money on a goLITE. Moreover, though melatonin promotes sleep, which is why the supplement is taken before retiring. Light reduces production, and blue light the most.
Thus not only would the light directly disturb sleep, but indirectly through the decreasing of melatonin.
Now let us consider the importance of melatonin, whose product decreases with light and peaks during
sleep. There is a mountain of research which show that melatonin is salubrious. Melatonin has become a widely taken supplement.
Melatonin is an antioxidant which does not undergo redox cycling, such as that occurs to vitamin C (such cycling produces
free radicals), but rather results in stable end products. In addition research
ahs shown that melatonin supportive of the immune system, but its role in disease treatment remains unknown. Thus Melatonin
appears to be on the short list of salubrious supplements.
So why shine a blue light which lowers the production of melatonin?
Melatonin is good. And since sound sleep is better, why reduce it by shining
a blue light in your face? The goLITE claims of positive effects is contradicted
by the research which they have up on their website. Their story simply does
not make sense.
If something is significantly good then properly constructed studies would demonstrate it. GoLITE which has funded a couple of studies, has never attempted to quantify with proper controls the benefits
of their gadget. And they haven’t show how much effect their gadget has
on melatonin production. But the marketers of goLITE are not about logic and
controlled studies. They want to arm consumers with the verbal material to justify
their spending of $180. They want their meme to spread and produce more sales. Given the promotion by Costco, they are doing pretty darn good selling an item made
in China for under $20 for over $150. Have we gone that far from the snake oil
This reminds me another sleep gadget, one which teaches while asleep. I
wonder what effect does the noise have upon REM?