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Bush lies

Copyright © 2001–2006 by M. E. Cowan at http://www.failureisimpossible.com/needtoknow/campaignslogans.htm#honor#honor

This page contains links only from 2004 or earlier.

·                   "I will restore honor and integrity to the White House"

·                   No decision on Yucca Mountain until research results are available

·                   Free trade

·                   "I'm a compassionate conservative"

·                   "Leave no child behind"

·                   "I'm a uniter, not a divider"

·                   "President of all the people, not just those who voted for me"

·                   "A reformer with results"

·                   "It's the people's money, not the government's"

·                   Election reform

·                   Reforming the military

·                   Reversing Course — We The People often hope Bush won't keep his promise


Longer list of links of above


"I will restore honor and integrity to the White House"

(Note: Sometimes it's 'honor and integrity' and sometimes it's 'honor and dignity.' He's such a hypocrite he can't even be consistent in his hypocrisy.)

·                   Also see The Enron Bubble (separate page)

·                   White House on Autocrats: Malaysian Sí, Cuban No
David E. Sanger,
New York Times, 15 May 2002

·                   From Bush's Lips, a Vow He Could Not Renege On
Raymond Hernandez, New York Times,
10 March 2002

·                   Bush White House releases transcripts of Clinton conversations — but only the parts that make Clinton look bad
Joshua Micah Marshall, Salon,
7 February 2002

·                   Bush's Insistence of Privacy for Presidential Records Doesn't Apply to His Predecessor
Don Van Natta Jr., New York Times,
1 February 2002

·                   Bush overturns rule banning law-breaking business from federal contracts
Kent Hoover, Sacramento Business Journal,
11 January 2002 issue

·                   Former POWs held by Japan are betrayed by the White House
Iris Chang, New York Times,
24 December 2001

·                   U.S. Seeks New Use for Secret Evidence Against Immigrants
William Glaberson, New York Times,
9 December 2001

·                   Bush's Mocking Inaugural Address
Joyce Marcel,
Albion Monitor, 29 January 2001

·                   For some, Bush loyalty is a one-way street
Paul A. Gigot, Wall Street Journal,
12 January 2001

·                   Hobbled from the start
Alan Wolfe, Salon,
15 December 2000

No decision on Yucca Mountain until research results are available

·                   Yucca Mountain's Other Story
Toby Eglund, The Gully,
28 March 2002

·                   The political fallout from a nuclear-waste decision
Abraham McLaughlin, Christian Science Monitor,
5 March 2002

·                   Energy Dept. Is Challenged Over Waste Disposal Methods
Matthew L. Wald, New York Times,
4 March 2002

·                   U.S. Technologically Unready to Store Nuclear Waste at Yucca Mountain
Matthew L. Wald, New York Times,
31 January 2002

Free trade

·                   A High-Risk, Two-Faced Trade Policy
Richard S. Dunham, Business Week,
25 March 2002

·                   Bush's Costly Meltdown on Steel
Christopher Farrell, Business Week,
18 March 2002

·                   Treasury Official Is Said to Fault Steel Tariff Move
Joseph Kahn and Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times,
16 March 2002

·                   US should drop steel doctrine
Victor Keegan, Guardian (
UK), 7 March 2002

·                   U.S. Users of Steel Worry That Tariffs Will Be Costly
Claudia H. Deutsch, New York Times,
7 March 2002

·                   Steel Tariffs Weaken Bush's Global Hand
Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times,
6 March 2002

·                   Bush to Announce Steel Tariffs Amid Worries About Reaction of Allies
David E. Sanger And Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times,
5 March 2002

"I'm a compassionate conservative"

·                   What has George W ever done for women?
Laura Flanders, The Guardian,
26 March 2004

·                   Under New Bush Rule, Emergency Rooms May No Longer Be Required to Treat Patients
Robert Pear, New York Times,
2 September 2003

·                   Deborah Cook Is the Typical Bush Judicial Nominee — So Watch Out
Adam Cohen, New York Times,
25 February 2003

·                   Aid to Poor Faces More Scrutiny
Robert Pear, New York Times,
5 February 2003

·                   Bush vs. Women
Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times,
16 August 2002

·                   Devastated Women
Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times,
26 April 2002

·                   Budget Would Cut Medicaid Payments
Robert Pear, New York Times,
2 February 2002

·                   Bush regime may renege on Andrew Cuomo's pledge to rehabilitate housing
Terry Pristin, New York Times,
2 April 2001

·                   The Mask Comes Off
Bob Herbert, New York Times,
26 March 2001

·                   The cruelty of compassionate conservatism
Jennifer Foote Sweeney (editor of Life, Salon,
23 March 2001

·                   The 'Having It All' Lie
Marjorie Williams,
Washington Post, 21 February 2001

·                   A mother's anguish - and a President's profits
Observer (UK),
17 December 2000

"Leave no child behind"

·                   Words, Actions at Odds on Children's Health Care
Ceci Connolly, Washington Post, 25 September 2004

·                   Defying Bush, Senate Increases Child Care Funds for the Poor
Robert Pear, New York Times,
31 March 2004

·                   Reauthorization Bill Contains Less Child Care Funding Than White House Claims
Sharon Parrott, Jennifer Mezey, Mark Greenberg and Shawn Fremstad, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities,
15 December 2003

·                   School officials slam Bush plan to eliminate school funding for military kids
7 February 2003

·                   Thousands of Schools May Run Afoul of New Law
Sam Dillon, New York Times,
16 February 2003

·                   Bush's Plan for Head Start Worries Supporters
Diana Jean Schemo, New York Times,
12 February 2003

·                   'No Child Left Behind' Is Hit Song With Bush Team
Diana Jean Schemo, New York Times ,
23 June 2002

·                   Bush Seeking to Squeeze School Loan Program
Philip Shenon,
New York Times , 28 April 2002

·                   Bush's Proposal on Welfare Draws Fire From Democrats for Putting Children at Risk
Robin Toner, New York Times (requires registration to view),
13 March 2002

·                   Democrats: Bush's Education Budget Is Less Than Promised
Robert Pear, New York Times,
13 February 2002

·                   Bush's War on Children
Jonathan Rowe and Gary Ruskin, AlterNet,
3 July 2001

·                   Bush uses organizations for photo ops and then cuts funding
Jake Tapper, Salon,
13 April 2001

"I'm a uniter, not a divider"

·                   Arab-Americans were betrayed by Bush
Eric Boehlert, Salon (full article available to subscribers only),
2 April 2002

·                   Tom Daschle Isn't the Problem
editorial, New York Times,
11 December 2001

·                   W Picks Golf Over NAACP
John Nichols, Madison Capital Times (in CommonDreams),
13 July 2001

·                   Charm School Graduate in Chief
Frank Rich, New York Times,
3 February 2001

"President of all the people, not just those who voted for me"

·                   Bush jibe angers black leaders
Matthew Engel, The Guardian,
10 July 2002

·                   Bush moving to eliminate government offices that look after women's rights
Tamar Lewin, New York Times,
19 December 2001

·                   Shutting Public Out, Letting the Elite In
Elisabeth Bumiller, New York Times,
3 November 2001

·                   Bush is restricting tour groups' access to the White House
Elaine Sciolino, New York Times,
12 May 2001

·                   Women's groups blast Bush's policies
Berry, Denver Business Journal, 13 April 2001

·                   Texas Dems get Bush-whacked
Jake Tapper, Salon,
14 December 2000

"A reformer with results"

·                   Report Disputes Bush Approach to Bridging 'Digital Divide'
Schwartz, New York Times, 11 July 2002

·                   Critics Say Bush Broke Vow on Superfund Site in Edison
Robert Hanley, New York Times,
2 July 2002

·                   Reversing Course, Bush Signs Bill Raising Farm Subsidies
David E. Sanger, New York Times,
14 May 2002

·                   White House Ends Environmental Fellowship
New York Times,
13 April 2002

·                   Bush Budget to Seek Job Training Cut
Robert Pear, New York Times,
31 January 2002

·                   Bush's Lobbying Style Provides Little Leadership
Bumiller, New York Times, 24 December 2001

·                   Prospects Dim for Medicare Drug Benefit
Robin Toner, New York Times,
5 November 2001

·                   Guns and Bitterness (all other campaign promises subjugated to the tax cut)
Paul Krugman, New York Times,
4 January 2001

Election Reform

·                   White House rejects election-reform request
Jim Drinkard, USA Today,
21 March 2001

Reforming the Military

·                   Preparing For War, Bush Spurns Veterans
Helen Thomas, The
Carolina Channel, 7 January 2003

·                   Big Bucks Trip Up the Lean New Army
James Dao, New York Times,
10 February 2002

·                   Bush shifts his stand on peacekeeping
Francine Kiefer, Christian Science Monitor,
1 June 2001

·                   Bush Plans Modest Increase for the Pentagon
Steven Lee Myers and James Dao, New York Times,
1 February 2001

Reversing Course

Often, We the People don't want Bush to keep his promise.

·                   Bush gives in again, will endorse increased spending on renewable energy
Major Garrett, CNN,
27 June 2001

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