CRASH 2008-09 -- first wave

Economic summit November 15th
Quotes on our banking system: a forgotten struggle
U.S. Monetary Supply--the root of the Crash
Great Depression, causes and parallels--jk
The Second Great Depression--why-jk
Great Depression and the New Deal
Argentina's Collapse
Asian Crash 97--model for U.S. Crash
NEOLIBERALISM, the globalizers
Robber Barons
Fed Stats--the deception
More Debt no FIx--jk
Financialization and the Bubble/CRASH
Class nature of the CRASH--jk
Obama and the Second Great Depression--jk
Nobel Lauret on the Crash--Stiglitz
Second deed solution--jk
Three Crashes--Models
Financial Crisis, a socialist perspective
Fairness Doctrine overturned yields corporate media
Funny Money Solution--more fed debt
Why We Need Regulation of the Market Place
10 to 1, the Credit Expansion
Fed debt--the debt game
WaMu Give Away by Feds
Offshoring and the Auto Industry
Economic summit November 15th
Figures on the CRASH
Pod Cast of CRASH plus much more

Possible Bretton Woods type conference in which the U.S. will have a reduced role in global finance.  The IMF and WTO were a product of the 1944 conference. Don’t expect any major changes from this conference given who is attending.  It won’t get us out of the depression, but rather adopt more of the policies that brought it on. 

Global Economic Crisis: What the November 15 Summit Is Really About

By Thomas Omestad Thomas Omestad – Fri Oct 24, 10:16 am ET

U.S. News and World Report at 

President Bush's invitation this week to the leaders of 20 countries for a summit on the global credit crisis likely marks a historic shift away from the made-in-America power structure for world finance that dates to the waning days of World War II.

To begin the difficult process of reform--especially the eventual ceding of some of the carefully protected U.S. and European clout in international financial institutions--President Bush will meet not just with the traditional Group of Seven (G-7) cluster of industrialized countries but rather with the Group of 20. That larger forum brings in the major emerging-market nations. They include such rising powers and emerging economies as Brazil, India, China, Russia, South Africa, Mexico, and Turkey, among others.

The idea is to begin the work of forging regulatory and institutional arrangements for a new era in which American primacy has been diminished, newer powers flex financial muscle they used to lack, and the enormity of the current financial crisis suggests the need for additional help in getting things back on an even keel. That was certainly a message French President Nicolas Sarkozy gave Bush at a Camp David meeting last weekend.

But by bringing on extra hands to help draw up new financial rules and to recapitalize the markets, Washington--along with other capitals in the old G-7--will in effect see their sway over the world of finance diminished.

Even some stalwarts of the current global finance hierarchy are seeking to broaden decision making to reflect changes in international economic power. "The G-7 is not working," Robert Zoellick, World Bank president and a former Bush administration official, said recently. He is advocating a "new multilateralism."

Pressures to move in that direction have been building for some time, and the financial shocks of recent weeks have galvanized those who favor it. Overseas, calls for deepening financial regulation and introducing more effective international oversight are often paired with arguments for giving countries from China and South Korea to Brazil and Saudi Arabia more voting power in the International Monetary Fund. The IMF, along with the World Bank, were outgrowths of the financial system laid out at a historic conference at Bretton Woods, N.H., in 1944.

The new summit--which some have dubbed Bretton Woods II--will be held in the Washington, D.C., area on November 15.

Though the system has evolved over the decades, the overlay of U.S. pre-eminence, including the widespread use of the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency of choice, has endured. But with the U.S. economy sagging and growing public debt burdens manageable mainly because of the willingness of foreign countries to buy it, Washington probably needs to show unaccustomed flexibility to stay on top of the game--even if to a somewhat reduced degree.

"The U.S. has to yield some of its rights and privileges that it built into the postwar order," says G. John Ikenberry, a political scientist at Princeton University. Ikenberry says that "a consortium of leading capitalist states is needed to rebuild global finance."

Despite the predictions of declining U.S. power in the world, says Ikenberry, those and other adjustments mean that "the United States can remain first among equals for a long, long time in both political and economic terms."

Chas. W. Freeman Jr., a former American diplomat and head of the Middle East Policy Council, calls the G-7 "irrelevant" at this point and foresees inevitable movement away from the U.S. dollar by other countries that have funneled billions into dollar-denominated assets, including U.S. treasury bills. "Nobody wants the dollar. They've been taken hostage by it," he says.


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Teddy Roosevelt's advice that, "We must drive the special interests out of politics. The citizens of the United States must effectively control the mighty commercial forces which they have themselves called into being. There can be no effective control of corporations while their political activity remains."

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Nothing I have seen is better at explaining in a balanced way the development of the national-banking system (Federal Reserve, Bank of England and others).  Its quality research and pictures used to support its concise explanation set a standard for documentaries--at  The 2nd greatest item in the U.S. budget is payment on the debt.