World Trade, World Bank, Privatization

China, What Free Trade has Done!
The Crporatist State and Globalization, Exposed--jk
Neoliberalism exposed -- concise summary -- jk
Neoliberalism exposed--jk
WTO fact sheet--jk
Egypt, a Lesson in Globalizer's Crisis Management
Globalization--Palast's Armed Madhouse
NEOLIBERALISM--the economics favored by big business, banks, and Our Government
A fact filled review of Neoliberal economic policies
Neoliberalism's Myth on Benefits of Free Trade
Neoliberalism roots for the war in Iraq
Top Reasons to Oppose the WTO
They have stolen democracy--Tom McCain, Republicans, Deomocrats
Free trade for globalization--Quackers speak out
2010 Bilderberg Conference
What has changed--Thom Hartmann
China, What Free Trade has Done!
Mounting Opposition to Neoliberalism and Why
World Bank & IMF, What They Really Are About--Greg Palast
IMF Insider Goes Public--Greg Palast
IMF Chief Economist Goes Public
World Bank's Plan Adopted by Ecuador--Greg Palast
GAFT Can Overturn U.S. Laws in the Interest of Commerce--Greg Palast
Its About Money, Stats and Drug Abuse Government Style
Biograrphy of Paul Wolfowitz with links
Biography of Paul Wolfowitz

China, what free trade has done!

Taken from a 21 page article that appeared in June 07, Monthly Review,

China, Capitalist Accumulation, and Labor
by Martin Hart-Landsberg & Paul Burkett


Also at  


There are those who use China as an example of the power of unfettered capitalism.  The reality is quite different.  A few more examples are developed by Greg Palast. 



The share of foreign manufacturers in China’s total manufacturing sales grew from 2.3 percent in 1990 to 31.3 percent in 2000.


Another consequence is that China’s economic growth has become increasingly dependent on foreign produced exports. Approximately 46 percent of foreign manufacturing production is exported, compared with only 16 percent for domestically owned manufacturing firms.


The ratio of exports to GDP has steadily climbed from 16 percent in 1990 to 36 percent in 2003.5


Investment and exports account for approximately 80 percent of Chinese GDP.7


Private (household) consumption, which fell as a share of GDP from 51.1 percent in 1988 to 38.9 percent in 2005.

China’s exports to the United States account for about half of its total exports.


Domestic value-added accounts for only 15 percent of the value of exported electronic and information technology products.


Foreign firms were responsible for 86.9 percent of China’s total exported electronic products.


Wages in the Pearl River Delta, the province’s manufacturing belt, have been virtually frozen at about $80 per month for the past decade


The share of the informal sector—defined as employment without access to social benefits or unemployment protection—rose to about 50 percent of total employment in Latin America….  [t]he reality is quite the opposite; workers in China and the rest of East Asia are being forced to battle conditions very similar to those in Latin America. Here we focus on the situation in China.

Migrant workers for to obtain government set minimum wage requires are working long hours.  According to a survey I conducted in China’s footwear industry, the average workday there amounts to about 11 hours each day, often with no days off—that is, about an 80-hour work-week.  Moreover many migrant workers are not being paid what they are owed.”  There are an estimated 100 million migrant workers. 


Significantly, regular formal wage employment in China’s urban sector actually declined at an annual average rate of 3 percent over the period 1990–2002


Manufacturing over the period 1990–2002, overall regular (formal and informal sector) manufacturing employment actually fell by 16.6 million workers


Alongside these employment problems, there is also “the unprecedented scale and speed of the deterioration of the natural environment.



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I have repeated commented about the link between neocons, the WTO, and the effects of globalization.  Among the effects is the ability to over ride national interest, labor laws, environmental laws, public services through decisions made by the WTO and empowered through trade sanctions and fines.  It is the power of finance that has created them as the shadow government.  Watch The Money Masters at