only special status I have concerning my own behavior is a greater knowledge of what I have done in my past.—jk
negative status I have concerning my own behavior is that I have been conditioned to respond to questions concerning it; and
these verbal responses are often quite misleading—jk
removes us from the pedestal of god-like, and it places us with our ancestors, the animals--jk
significant insight into human behavior, use the psychology that applies to our brothers, the animals—jk.
is a complex chicken—BF Skinner.
psychology, poppycock on stilts—jk. (A paraphrase of Jeremy Bentham on
Natural rights).
language ought to be considered as a shorthand for the complex reinforcement contingencies—and nothing more--jk
are silent whispers—BF Skinner
I did not direct my life. I didn't design it. I never made decisions. Things
always came up and made them for me. That's what life is.—BF Skinner
Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.—BF
The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.—BF
Better contraceptives will control ;population only if people will use them. A nuclear holocaust can be prevented only if the conditions under which nations make
war can be changed. The environment will continue to deteriorate until pollution
practices are abandoned. We need to make vast changes in human behavior.
Skinner, Beyond Freedom and Dignity (1971)
He emphasized that he had come to Watson through Russell, and he did not read
Russell’s sustained analysis of Watson’s behaviorism (1925) until early in 1928
Daniel Bjork, b.f. skinner, a life, p. 61.