(This article discusses exploratory work that was interrupted early in 1966 when
the Food and Drug Administration, as a strategy in combating the illicit-use problem, declared a moratorium on research with
normal human subjects. In view of the preliminary nature of the work, it would not under ordinary circumstances have been
submitted for publication. However, because of the significance of the hypotheses, and because they are consistent with experience
gained in a previous study of four hundred subjects who received psychedelics in a therapy context, and because of the hope
that when it is again possible to resume psychedelic research the non-medical applications will get long-overdue attention,
the decision was made to release these results in their present, unfinished form.)
Amid much controversy over the place of psychedelic chemicals in contemporary
culture, we have quietly entered a third phase of the research on human uses of these agents. The first
phase, typically identified in the literature by the use of the adjective "psychotomimetic," was characterized by dominance
of a priori structured models. Seriously underestimating the effects that such preconceptions might have on the content
and aftereffects of the subjective experience, researchers variously reported that psychedelics mimicked mental illness (when
given in a setting that provoked it), illuminated Freudian theory (when administered by a competent Freudian), evoked Jungian
archetypes (when administered by a sensitive Jungian), substantiated the tenets of behavior therapy (by increasing suggestibility
and modifiability), and demonstrated the soundness of the existential approach. The second phase, adopting
Osmond's neologism "psychedelic," was characterized by an emphasis on allowing the drug session to run its natural course,
in an attempt to minimize the influence of the conceptions and interpretations of the therapist or monitor. Care was taken
to provide such expectations, rapport, and environment that the experience would be as non- threatening as possible. Opinions
varied as to what constitutes optimum set and setting, and subjects and experimenters varied. As a consequence, reported effects
range from ecstasy to psychosis, from community to isolation, from greatly enhanced mental and perceptual abilities to greatly
impaired abilities. From this work emerged a variety of psychotherapeutic applications, well summarized by Hoffer (1965),
as well as widespread, mainly illicit, use with sensual, philosophical, and transcendental goals. Growing
out of this informal experimentation and clinical research, largely as a consequence of suggestive spontaneous occurrences,
the possibility gradually emerged that specific kinds of performance might be selectively enhanced by deliberate structuring
of psychedelic-agent administrations. Thus a third phase of psychedelic research began. Whereas, in the first phase, experiences
tended to be controlled and delimited—never mind if inadvertently—by preconceptions of experimenter and subject,
and in the second phase they tended to be more uncontrolled and wide-ranging in scope, now the emphasis was to be on deliberate
selection of specific aspects of the psychedelic experience and of specific parameters of functioning. As
these experiments on specific performance enhancement through directed use of the psychedelics have gone on in various countries
of the world, on both sides of the Iron Curtain, and as, furthermore, some, at least, of the informal exploration has been
in defiance of existing laws governing use of the psychedelic agents, publicly available information on results is scant and
scattered. In the remainder of this chapter we shall discuss one pilot study in which the particular type of performance chosen
for attention was creative problem-solving ability. The implications of the work are, we believe, much broader than this particular
application. Indeed, the basic assumption underlying setting up the project, and not negated by any of our observations during
the course of the research, is that, given appropriate conditions, the psychedelic agents can be employed to enhance any
aspect of mental performance, in the sense of making it more operationally effective. While this research was restricted
to intellectual and artistic activity, we believe the assumption holds true for any other mental, perceptual, or emotional
process. The psychedelic agent acts as a facilitator, an adjunct to the situation it facilitates, neither good nor evil, efficacious
nor powerless, safe nor dangerous.
Rationale Behind the Creative Problem-Solving Study
Reports in the literature on psychedelic agents that deal with effects on performance
are inconclusive or contradictory. Changes in performance levels have been intensively investigated, both during and after
the drug session. Instrumental learning has been found to be impaired during the drug experience in some studies, enhanced
in others. Similarly, contradictory results have been noted for color perception, recall and recognition, discrimination learning,
concentration, symbolic thinking, and perceptual accuracy (Mogar, 1965a). In some of the research, where
impairment was reported, the drug was used as a stresser with the intention of simulating psychotic performance-impairment.
Practically all of the formal research in which improved performance was claimed subsequent to the drug experience has been
in a clinical context. Performance enhancement during the drug experience has been sporadically reported in both experimental
and clinical research, but not in general where the psychotomimetic orientation was dominant. Our experience
in clinical research (Mogar and Savage, 1964; Fadiman 1965; Savage et al., 1966) had been amply convincing with regard to
the possibility of long-term performance enhancement through employment of the psychedelic agents in a clinical setting. We
also had much evidence with regard to the subtlety and pervasiveness of the influence of set and setting. Furthermore, although
they had not been deliberately sought, there were numerous spontaneous incidents of what appeared to be temporarily enhanced
performance during the drug experience itself. These observations led us to postulate the following propositions:
1. Any human function, as generally elicited, can be performed more effectively. This amounts to an acknowledgement
that we do not function at our full capacity. 2. The psychedelics appear to temporarily inhibit censors
that ordinarily limit the mental contents coming into conscious awareness. The subject may, for example, discover his latent
ability to form colored imagery, to hallucinate, to recall forgotten experiences of early childhood, to generate meaningful
symbolic presentations, etc. By leading the subject to expect enhancement of other types of performance—creative problem
solving, learning manual or verbal skills, manipulating logical or mathematical symbols, sensory or extrasensory perception,
memory and recall—and by providing favorable preparatory and environmental conditions, it may be possible to improve
the level of functioning in any desired respect. 3. Both objective and subjective indicators of mental performance
are appropriate to use in establishing whether there has indeed been an improvement (or impairment) of performance.
As Table 1 indicates, commonly observed characteristics of the psychedelic experience
seem to operate both for and against the hypothesis that the drug session could be used for performance enhancement. In this
research we attempted to provide a setting that would maximize those characteristics that tend toward improved functioning,
while minimizing those that might hinder effective functioning. For several reasons we chose to focus our
efforts on creative problem solving. One was its obvious utility, an important consideration at that juncture because of the
increasing pressure for stricter regulation of the psychedelics by those who doubted that they were good for anything at all.
Another factor was that many of the observed spontaneous occurrences had been of this sort. Finally, because of extensive
recent research activity in the field of creativity, a number of relevant objective measures were available for use. Interest
centered on three questions: 1. Can the psychedelic experience enhance creative problem-solving ability,
and if so, what is the evidence of enhancement? 2. Can this result in enhanced production of concrete, valid,
and feasible solutions assessable by the pragmatic criteria of modern industry and positivistic science?
3. Working with a non-clinical population and with a non-therapy orientation, would there nevertheless result demonstrable
long-term personality changes indicative of continued increased creativity and self- actualization?
The subjects in these experiments were twenty-seven males engaged in a variety
of professional occupations (sixteen engineers, one engineer-physicist, two mathematicians, two architects, one psychologist,
one furniture designer, one commercial artist, one sales manager, and one personnel manager). Nineteen of the subjects had
had no previous experience with psychedelics. The following selection criteria were established: 1. Participant's
occupation normally requires problem-solving ability. 2. Participant is found to be psychologically stable
as determined by psychiatric interview- examination. 3. Participant is motivated to discover, verify, and
apply solutions within his current work capacity. Each group of four subjects met one another during an
evening session several days before the experimental day. (In one of the groups, one subject had to be eliminated, which left
only three.) The proposed sequence of events during the experimental session was explained in detail. This initial meeting
also served the function of allaying apprehension and establishing rapport and trust among the members and the staff.
Subjects were told that they would experience little or no difficulties with distractions such as visions, involvement
with personal emotional states, and so on. The instructions emphasized that the experience could be directed as desired. Direct
suggestions were made to encourage mental flexibility during the session. An excerpt from those instructions is quoted below:
Some suggestions on approaches:
Try identifying with the central person, object, or process in the problem.
See how the problem looks from this vantage point.
Try asking to "see" the solution, to visualize how various parts might work
together, to see how a certain situation will work out in future, etc.
You will find it is possible to scan a large number of possible solutions, ideas,
data from the memory etc., much more rapidly than usual. The "right" solution will often appear along with a sort of intuitive
"knowing" that it is the answer sought. You will also find that you can hold in conscious awareness a number of ideas or pieces
of data processes simultaneously, to an uncommon extent.
You will find it is possible to "step" back from the problem and see it in new
perspective, in more basic terms; to abandon previously tried approaches and start afresh (since there is much less of yourself
invested in these earlier trials).
Above all, don't be timid in the ambitiousness with which you ask questions.
If you want to see the completed solution in a three-dimensional image, or to project yourself forward in time, or view some
microscopic physical process, or view something not visible to your physical eyes, or re-experience some event out of the
past, by all means ask. Don't let your questions be limited by your notion of what can and what cannot happen.
Approximately one hour of pencil-and-paper tests were administered at this time.
Subjects were told that they would take a similar battery during the experimental session. To insure that the problems to
be worked on were appropriate for the purpose, each participant was asked to present his selection briefly. By the end of
the preparation session, participants were generally anticipative and at ease. They had been given a clear picture of what
to expect, as well as information on how to cope with any difficulties that might arise. The session day
was spent as follows: 8:30 Arrive at session room 9:00 Psychedelic material given. Mescaline
sulphate (200 mg). 9-12 Music played, subjects relaxed with eyes closed 12-1 Psychological
tests administered 1-5 Subjects work on problems 5-6 Discussion of experience; review
of solutions. Participants were driven home after this. They were given a sedative, which they might take
if they experienced any difficulty in sleeping. In many cases, however, they preferred to stay up until well after midnight,
continuing to work on insights and solutions discovered earlier in the day. Each subject wrote a subjective
account of his experience within a week after the experimental session. Approximately six weeks after the session, subjects
were administered questionnaires that related to (1) the effects of the session on post-session creative ability and (2) the
validity and acceptance of solutions conceived during the session. These data were in addition to the psychometric data comparing
results of the two testing periods.
Subjective Reports
The literature on creativity includes analytical description of the components
of creative experience, the personal characteristics of creative individuals, and the distinguishing features of creative
solutions. From the participants' reports, it was possible to extract eleven strategies of enhanced functioning during the
session. The relationship of these strategies to enhanced functioning should be self-explanatory. Those readers interested
in the relationship of these aspects to current research and theory on creativity can refer to the detailed technical discussion
in Harman, McKim et al. (1966). The factors are listed below with representative quotations from the subjects'
1. Low Inhibition and Anxiety:
"There was no fear, no worry, no sense of reputation and competition, no envy,
none of these things which in varying degrees have always been present in my work." "A lowered sense of
personal danger; I don't feel threatened any more, and there is no feeling of my reputation being at stake."
"Although doing well on these problems would be fine, failure to get ahead on them would be threatening. However, as it turned
out, on this afternoon the normal blocks in the way of progress seemed to be absent."
2. Capacity to Restructure Problem in Larger Context:
"Looking at the same problem with (psychedelic) materials, I was able to consider
it in a much more basic way, because I could form and keep in mind a much broader picture." "I could handle
two or three different ideas at the same time and keep track of each." "Normally I would overlook many more trivial points
for the sake of expediency, but under the drug, time seemed unimportant. I faced every possible questionable issue square
in the face." "Ability to start from the broadest general basis in the beginning . . ."
"I returned to the original problem.... I tried, I think consciously, to think of the problem in its totality, rather than
through the devices I had used before."
3. Enhanced Fluency and Flexibility of Ideation:
"I began to work fast, almost feverishly, to keep up with the flow of ideas."
"I began to draw . . . my senses could not keep up with my images . . . my hand was not fast enough . .
. my eyes were not keen enough . . . I was impatient to record the picture (it has not faded one particle). I worked at a
pace I would not have thought I was capable of." "I was very impressed with the ease with which ideas appeared
(it was virtually as if the world is made of ideas, and so it is only necessary to examine any part of the world to get an
idea). I also got the feeling that creativity is an active process in which you limit yourself and have an objective, so there
is a focus about which ideas can cluster and relate." ". . . I dismissed the original idea entirely, and
started to approach the graphic problem in a radically different way. That was when things started to happen. All kinds of
different possibilities came to mind...." "And the feeling during this period of profuse production was
one of joy and exuberance.... It was the pure fun of doing, inventing, creating, and playing."
4. Heightened Capacity for Visual Imagery and Fantasy:
"Was able to move imaginary parts in relation to each other."
". . . it was the non-specific fantasy that triggered the idea." "The next insight came as an image of an
oyster shell, with the mother-of-pearl shining in different colors. I translated that in the idea of an interferometer-two
layers separated by a gap equal to the wave length it is desired to reflect." ". . . As soon as I began
to visualize the problem, one possibility immediately occurred. A few problems with that concept occurred, which seemed to
solve themselves rather quickly.... Visualizing the required cross section was instantaneous." "Somewhere
along in here, I began to see an image of the circuit. The gates themselves were little silver cones linked together by lines.
I watched the circuit flipping through its paces.. . ." "I began visualizing all the properties known to
me that a photon possesses and attempted to make a model for a photon.... The photon was comprised of an electron and a positron
cloud moving together in an intermeshed synchronized helical orbit.... This model was reduced for visualizing purposes to
a black and white ball propagating in a screw-like fashion through space. I kept putting the model through all sorts of known
5. Increased Ability to Concentrate:
"Was able to shut out virtually all distracting influences."
"I was easily able to follow a train of thought to a conclusion where normally I would have been distracted many times."
"I was impressed with the intensity of concentration, the forcefulness and exuberance with which I could proceed toward
the solution." "I considered the process of photoconductivity.... I kept asking myself, "What is light?"
and subsequently, "What is a photon?" The latter question I repeated to myself several hundred times till it was being said
automatically in synchronism with each breath. I probably never in my life pressured myself as intently with a question as
I did this one." "It is hard to estimate how long this problem might have taken without the psychedelic agent, but it was
the type of problem that might never have been solved. It would have taken a great deal of effort and racking of the brains
to arrive at what seemed to come more easily during the session."
6. Heightened Empathy with External Processes and Objects:
". . . the sense of the problem as a living thing that is growing toward its
inherent solution." "First I somehow considered being the needle and being bounced around in the groove."
"I spent a productive period . . . climbing down on my retina, walking around and thinking about certain
problems relating to the mechanism of vision." "Ability to grasp the problem in its entirety, to 'dive'
into it without reservations, almost like becoming the problem" "Awareness of the problem itself rather than the 'I' that
is trying to solve it"
7. Heightened Empathy with People:
"It was also felt that group performance was affected in . . . subtle ways.
This may be evidence that some sort of group action was going on all the time." "Only at intervals did I
become aware of the music. Sometimes, when I felt the other guys listening to it; and it was a physical feeling of them listening
to it." "Sometimes we even had the feeling of having the same thoughts or ideas."
8. Subconscious Data More Accessible:
". . . brought about almost total recall of a course that I had had in thermodynamics;
something that I had never given any thought about in years." "I was in my early teens and wandering through
the gardens where I actually grew up. I felt all my prior emotions in relation to my surroundings."
9. Association of Dissimilar Ideas:
"I had earlier devised an arrangement for beam steering on the two-mile accelerator
which reduced the amount of hardware necessary by a factor of two.... Two weeks ago it was pointed out to me that this scheme
would steer the beam into the wall and therefore was unacceptable. During the session, I looked at the schematic and asked
myself how could we retain the factor of two but avoid steering into the wall. Again a flash of inspiration, in which I thought
of the word "alternate." I followed this to its logical conclusion, which was to alternate polarities sector by sector so
the steering bias would not add but cancel. I was extremely impressed with this solution and the way it came to me."
"Most of the insights come by association." "It was the last idea that I thought was remarkable because
of the way in which it developed. This idea was the result of a fantasy that occurred during Wagner [Note: the participant
had earlier listened to Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkyries.'].... I put down a line which seemed to embody this [fantasy]....
I later made the handle which my sketches suggested and it had exactly the quality I was looking for.... I was very amused
at the ease with which all of this was done."
l0. Heightened Motivation to Obtain Closure:
"Had tremendous desire to obtain an elegant solution (the most for the least)
." "All known constraints about the problem were simultaneously imposed as I hunted for possible solutions.
It was like an analog computer whose output could not deviate from what was desired and whose input was continually perturbed
with the inclination toward achieving the output." "It was almost an awareness of the 'degree of perfection'
of whatever I was doing." "In what seemed like ten minutes, I had completed the problem, having what I considered
(and still consider) a classic solution."
11. Visualizing the Completed Solution:
"I looked at the paper I was to draw on. I was completely blank. I knew that
I would work with a property three hundred feet square. I drew the property lines (at a scale of one inch to forty feet),
and I looked at the outlines. I was blank. Suddenly I saw the finished project [Note: the project was a
shopping center specializing in arts and crafts]: I did some quick calculations . . . it would fit on the property and not
only that . . . it would meet the cost and income requirements . . . it would park enough cars . . . it met all the requirements.
It was contemporary architecture with the richness of a cultural heritage . . . it used history and experience but did not
copy it." "I visualized the result I wanted and subsequently brought the variables into play which could
bring that result about. I had great visual (mental) perceptibility; I could imagine what was wanted, needed, or not possible
with almost no effort. I was amazed at my idealism, my visual perception, and the rapidity with which I could operate."
Results: Subjective Ratings
As mentioned above, several weeks after the experimental session all participants
were asked to complete a brief questionnaire. Here they rated their experience with respect to nine characteristics relevant
to enhanced functioning. Items were rated on a five-point scale from MARKED ENHANCEMENT (+2) through NO CHANGE (O) to MARKED
IMPAIRMENT (-2) . The average ratings are listed in Table 2. These data, too, seem to substantiate the hypothesis of enhancement of
both verbal and non-verbal skills.
Results: Psychometric Data
Test-retest scores on some of the measures used showed dramatic changes from
normal to psychedelic-session conditions. Most apparent were enhanced abilities to recognize patterns, to minimize and isolate
visual distractions, and to maintain visual memory in spite of confusing changes of form and color. Specific tests used included
the Purdue Creativity, the Miller Object Visualization, and the Witkin Embedded Figures. This last test has been reported
to be stable under a variety of experimental interventions including stress, training, sensory isolation, hypnosis, and the
influence of a variety of drugs (Witkin et al., 1962). With these twenty-seven subjects, enhancement was consistent (p<.01),
and in some cases improvements were as great as 200 per cent. (For a fuller description of the psychometric evaluation, see
Harman et al., 1966.)
Long-term Results
The practical value of obtained solutions is a check against subjective reports
of accomplishment that might be attributable to temporary euphoria. The nature of these solutions varied; they included: (1)
a new approach to the design of a vibratory microtome, (2) a commercial building design, accepted by the client, (3) space
probe experiments devised to measure solar properties, (4) design of a linear electron accelerator beam-steering device, (5)
engineering improvement to a magnetic tape recorder, (6) a chair design, modeled and accepted by the manufacturer, (7) a letterhead
design, approved by the customer, (8) a mathematical theorem regarding NOR-gate circuits, (9) completion of a furniture-line
design, (10) a new conceptual model of a photon, which was found useful, and (11) design of a private dwelling, approved by
the client. Table 3 outlines the initial results of attempting to apply the solutions generated
in the experimental sessions back into the industrial and academic settings of the subjects. (These data were obtained by
questionnaire and follow-up interview six to eight weeks after the session.) A quote for a follow-up report written several
months after the session is typical of the relative usefulness and validity of the session-day solutions: "In the area of
ionospheric source location and layer tilt analysis, I was able in the weeks following the session to build on the ideas generated
to the extent of working out the mathematics of the schemes proposed, and of making them more definite. The steps made in
the session were the correct ones to start with . . . the ideas considered and developed in the session appear as important
steps, and the period of the session as the single most productive period of work on this problem I have had in the several
months either preceding or following the session." Many subjects in the follow-up interview reported changes
in their modes of functioning that were continuous with the enhancement reported for the session itself (e.g., continuing
visualization ability). Table 4 lists the result of a questionnaire dealing with changes in work effectiveness.
The results given in Table 4 indicate that approximately half the subjects reporting were still noticing
some change in their performance level several months after the experimental session. These results are particularly interesting
in view of the relatively low dosage and the fact that no suggestion was made at any time that continuing changes of this
nature were expected. The deliberate anticipation of enhanced performance level, the incitement to a high degree of motivation,
and use of a sheltered and non-critical atmosphere—none of these were directly suggestive of long-term personality changes
or permanent therapeutic benefit. Yet a certain amount of such change seems to have occurred. One implication is clear: We
are dealing with materials and experimental situations that have long-term effects; it would be foolhardy and irresponsible
to treat this kind of research as if it were isolated from the fabric of the subjects' lives.
Comments and Speculations
We had originally intended to follow this pilot study with a controlled experiment
employing a double-blind design, in which a fraction of the subjects receive an active placebo. This would have addressed
the question of whether suggestion alone could account for the performance enhancement. Because of interruption of the research
program by government fiat, this extension was never carried out. The need for controlled hypothesis-testing research in this
perplexing area of chemical facilitation of mental functioning has become a common plea, and rightly so. But equally needful
of furthering is the exploratory sort of research that aims at invention of conceptual models and hypothesis construction.
Because of the controversy surrounding use of the psychedelic agents, this latter type of research is even more likely to
be slighted. In the research described, we employed naive subjects. There are clear methodological virtues
accruing from the use of untrained subjects. However, when the central question is not one of pharmacological effects, but
rather the degree to which certain processes can be facilitated, the more experience the subjects can gain the more we are
likely to learn about the process. Thus we would urge the desirability of further investigations employing a series of sessions
for each subject. A similar comment holds with regard to selection of subjects. Clinical studies already
referred to indicate that those subjects who are more stable and productive beforehand 4 tend to "benefit considerably from
the psychedelic experience along the lines of self-actualization, richer creative experience, and enhancement of special abilities
and aptitudes" (Savage et al., 1966). Subjects for this pilot study were deliberately selected to be persons with known reputations
as creative individuals. In general, we would expect the outcomes of this kind of research to be more fruitful with gifted
rather than "merely normal" subjects. In contrast with reports of other researchers, we experienced little
difficulty in getting subjects to work on psychological tests. Many studies seem to indicate a temporary debilitating effect
of psychedelics on higher cortical processes. It seems to us that variables that affect results on these kinds of tests include
attitude and motivation as well as ability. We found that discussing this problem with subjects in the preparatory meetings
eliminated any tendency in the experimental session to shrug off the tests as meaningless or to resist them as disconcerting.
In short, on the tests, as well as in problem solving, by establishing an anticipation of improved performance, we seemed
to obtain results that support it. Assuming that these findings are eventually substantiated by additional
research, they find their most obvious application to problem solving in industry, professional practice, and research. Here
the procedure could play a role similar to that played by consultants, brainstorming, synectics, and other attempts to augment
and "unstick" the problem solver's unsuccessful efforts. A quote from one of our subjects illustrates the possibilities:
"I decided to drop my old line of thinking and give it a new try. The 'mystery' of this easy dismissal and forgetting
did not strike me until later in the afternoon, because I had many times before this session indulged in this line of thinking
and managed to work up the whole thing into an airtight deadlock, and I had been unable to break, much less dismiss, this
deadlock. The miracle is that it came so easy and natural." A much more important application in the long
run, we believe, is the use of the psychedelic agents as training facilitators to gradually upgrade the performance level
of already effective personnel. This would require establishment of accepted training procedures and certification provisions
for those qualified to use them. This may seem to be a utopian projection from our present state, but we live in an age of
rapid change, and it is perhaps not out of the question within a decade. Among consequences of this line
of exploration, the most significant of all, in our estimation, is the gaining of new knowledge of the mysterious higher processes
of the human mind, the framing of new and more productive research questions, and the eventual effect on our image of man—of
what he can be, and of what he is, of the vast potentialities he has seemingly only begun to tap.
in subjects' reports) |
Those supporting creativity |
Those hindering creativity |
1. Increased access to unconscious
data. |
1. Capacity for logical thought
processes diminished. |
2. More fluent free association;
increased ability to play spontaneously with hypotheses, metaphors, paradoxes, transformations, relationships, etc. |
2. Ability to consciously
direct concentration reduced. |
3. Heightened ability for
visual imagery and fantasy. |
3. Inability to control imaginary
and conceptual sequences. |
4. Relaxation and openness. |
4. Anxiety and agitation. |
5. Sensory inputs more acutely
perceived. |
5. Outputs (verbal and visual
communication abilities) constricted. |
6. Heightened empathy with
external processes, objects, and people. |
6. Tendency to focus upon
"inner problems" of a personal nature. |
7. Aesthetic sensibility heightened. |
7. Experienced beauty lessening
tension to obtain aesthetic experience in the act of creation. |
8. Enhanced "sense of truth,"
ability to "see through" false solutions and phony data. |
8. Tendency to become absorbed
in hallucinations and illusions. |
9. Lessened inhibition, reduced
tendency to censor own by premature negative judgment. |
9. Finding the best solution
seeming unimportant. |
10. Motivation heightened
by suggestion and providing the right set. |
10."This-worldly" tasks seeming
trivial, and, hence, motivation decreased. |
(back to text)
to behavior during the session) n = 27 |
Values |
Mean |
S.D. |
1. Lowering of defenses, reduction
of inhibitions and anxiety |
+1.7 |
0.64 |
2. Ability to see the problem
in the broadest terms |
+1.4 |
0.58 |
3. Enhanced fluency of ideation |
+1.6 |
0.69 |
4. Heightened capacity for
visual imagery and fantasy |
+1.0 |
0.72 |
5. Increased ability to concentrate |
+1.2 |
1.03 |
6. Empathy with external processes
and objects heightened |
+0.8 |
0.97 |
7. Empathy with other people
heightened |
+1.4 |
0.81 |
8. Data from "unconscious"
more accessible |
+0.8 |
0.87 |
9. Enhanced sense of "knowing"
when the right solution appears |
+1.0 |
0.70 |
(back to text)
new avenues for investigation
opened |
20 |
working model completed |
2 |
developmental model to test
solution authorized |
1 |
solution accepted for construction
or production |
6 |
partial solution obtained
being developed further or being applied |
10 |
no further activity since
session |
1 |
no solution obtained |
4 |
total number of problems attempted* |
44 |
* Many subjects attempted more than one problem during the session. (back to text)
key |
-2 |
-1 |
0 |
+1 |
+2 |
1. Ability to solve problems |
0 |
0 |
8 |
8 |
0 |
2. Ability to relate effectively
to others |
0 |
0 |
8 |
5 |
3 |
3. Attitude toward job |
0 |
0 |
7 |
8 |
1 |
4. Productivity |
0 |
0 |
9 |
5 |
2 |
5. Ability to communicate |
0 |
0 |
10 |
5 |
1 |
6. Response to pressure |
0 |
0 |
7 |
8 |
1 |
key: -2 marked impairment; -1 significant impairment; 0 no change; +1 significant enhancement;
+2 marked enhancement (back to text)